Our Team
Entrusted with ensuring Rangeview remains financially stable and ultimately, with protecting your property value, the Rangeview Homeowners Association (RHOA) will ultimately be guided by a board of directors, and operated by full-time staff, including an RHOA Manager, as well as an Urban Agriculture Educator.
Meet Our Board MembersÂ
The RHOA Board of Directors
As Rangeview grows and develops over time, residents will have the opportunity to become Board Directors, elected by RHOA Members to act in the best interest of their community. Until this time, the Rangeview Homeowners Association Board is governed by key members of the Section23 Developments team. Every Section23 Developments' RHOA Board Member has experience and specialized skill in bringing homeowners associations and Calgary communities to life.
Trevor Huber
Nicki Griffin
Marion Murray
Vice President
Brad Wright
Leslie Rosner