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A Friendly Reminder to Pet Owners in Rangeview

Rangeview HOA and Your Fellow Neighbours

Aug 8, 2023

Let's make sure we're all doing our part to clean up after our pets to keep our community safe and clean for all.

Hey Rangeview!

Did you know that pet owners are required to pick up after their pets in private and public spaces? Whether your sweet little fur baby goes number two on your front lawn, or in the park by the playground, you are, by law, required to pick up and dispose of their feces. Failing to to do can result in fines of up to $500.

These bylaws are enforced by the City of Calgary, to read more about responsible pet ownership rules and regulations, please refer to BYLAW NUMBER 47M2021 (1).

Pet waste can transmit human diseases. The pathogens found in animal waste can be passed on to humans, and some of these pathogens have been found to be resistant to antibiotics (2). Making animal waste a serious hazard that we should all be taking seriously. Failure to clean up after your pet can put you and your community as risk. Let's keep Rangeview safe, healthy, and clean.

FUN FACT: Coyotes are attracted to smelly waste like dog feces (3). Another reason to ensure that you clean up after your pets. We don't want to attract unwanted wildlife into the community.

Literature Cited:

1.) City of Calgary, R. (2022). Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. Calgary; City of Calgary. Retrieved from: Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw

2.) Cinquepalmi V, Monno R, Fumarola L, Ventrella G, Calia C, Greco MF, Vito Dd, Soleo L. Environmental contamination by dog’s faeces: a public health problem? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012 Dec 24;10(1):72-84. doi: 10.3390/ijerph10010072. PMID: 23263659; PMCID: PMC3564131.

3.) Anonymous. (n.d.). 10 WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR DOG FROM COYOTES. Retrieved August 8, 2023, from

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